
I’ve just returned from a wonderful day out exploring one of Scotland’s isolated valleys. The sun eventually shone, the path was easy and the peace settled upon us immediately. We encountered deer, mountain goats, hares, oyster catchers and numerous other members of the bird family. It really was idyllic. As we walked along several friends came to mind that I would like to introduce to this valley. I wanted to show them the things we were seeing, I wanted them to experience the peace and tranquillity that we felt. I wanted to talk through things with them, to share the excitement of the moment with them and to enjoy the time together. I love sharing experiences with other people, and this is what this blog is all about. When I discover something new in the Christian realm, a new idea or way of looking at something I want to share it with others.

The initial goal of today was to hopefully see some Golden Eagles. We failed. We didn’t see a single eagle, but we discovered so much instead. I hope you will find the same here. I don’t know what has brought you here, what you are looking for within this blog? You may well find it here, but I hope you will discover much more besides.

I’d like to invite you to journey onwards with me, to draw nearer to God and to enjoy the view along the way.

Please do get involved and post comments. I'm also happy to try and answer any appropriate questions you may have.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Being a Missionary

I think many of us have at one time or another considered missionary work to be undertaken by pith helmeted men in deepest darkest Africa. It was certainly the idea I was brought up with. Over the years though I have come to see each Christian as a missionary wherever they may be, whether sent overseas by their church or working in Tescos in the town where they were born. All Christians are on a mission, sent by God, with goals, weapons and a purpose. We might not be financially supported by our church, we might not even be prayerfully supported by our church, but we are God’s missionaries. Having understood this it has really helped me in my everyday activities. I am no longer having to work for a difficult boss, I’m working for God. God has sent me in to certain situations and he will therefore equip me for the task, which may involve courage or just patience to carry through a mundane job. My pay packet is not the be all and end all of my working month because I am on a mission and though the taxman takes a bite at my earthly wages my heavenly wages as safe, secure and soaring.

However, in recent weeks, I’m now thinking that God is calling me to be a missionary somewhere I never thought he’d ask me to go. Although it is not a place foreign to me and holds no fear it is not a place where I’d ever considered myself living out the role of missionary. I believe this role may not just be for me, but for many others as well. I believe that God is calling us to become missionaries in our very own churches. Now this may seem a very strange idea – surely churches send out missionaries – they don’t need missionaries in they’re midst. Well, let’s have a very little look at what a missionary is or what a missionary does.

A missionary tells people about the Good News or the God News. A missionary may show others the love of God through their actions. A missionary may translate the word of God into a language others can understand. A missionary brings alive the word of God in whichever way possible. A missionary undertakes any mission to which they feel God is calling them.

Now tell me that we couldn’t use more if these types of people in our church here and now.

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