
I’ve just returned from a wonderful day out exploring one of Scotland’s isolated valleys. The sun eventually shone, the path was easy and the peace settled upon us immediately. We encountered deer, mountain goats, hares, oyster catchers and numerous other members of the bird family. It really was idyllic. As we walked along several friends came to mind that I would like to introduce to this valley. I wanted to show them the things we were seeing, I wanted them to experience the peace and tranquillity that we felt. I wanted to talk through things with them, to share the excitement of the moment with them and to enjoy the time together. I love sharing experiences with other people, and this is what this blog is all about. When I discover something new in the Christian realm, a new idea or way of looking at something I want to share it with others.

The initial goal of today was to hopefully see some Golden Eagles. We failed. We didn’t see a single eagle, but we discovered so much instead. I hope you will find the same here. I don’t know what has brought you here, what you are looking for within this blog? You may well find it here, but I hope you will discover much more besides.

I’d like to invite you to journey onwards with me, to draw nearer to God and to enjoy the view along the way.

Please do get involved and post comments. I'm also happy to try and answer any appropriate questions you may have.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Prayer - what a lot of questions Part four.

Preparatory Steps to a Successful Time of Prayer.

1. Find a place of quiet. We live in a noise filled world and yet we are searching for a “still, small voice”. We need to find a place away from the busyness and noise and distractions of our everyday lives where we can just be and spend time with God.

2. Find a Time to Suit You. Each one of us has their own preferences, habits and schedules. We each need to find a regular time of day that fits in with who we are and what we do. Some people say that the morning is the best time to pray, but some of us are NOT morning people and this is fine. Find a time that works for you, but try to stick to it. Remember discipline is more than half the battle.

3. Remove Distractions. There in no point in finding a place of quiet if you know the kids are likely to burst in at any moment. You’ll be sitting there less in expectation of meeting with God and more in anticipation of being disturbed. Before you start to pray have a think about whether you need to take the phone off the hook or put the money out for the milkman to stop yourself being disturbed. It might be worth thinking about setting an alarm to tell you when to finish. It might sound silly but the last thing you want to do is constantly be thinking about the time and whether you should have left yet to go to your next meeting when you should be focusing on God.

4. Find the Correct Position
Think about finding a prayer position that works for you. You want to be comfortable but not so comfortable that you start to pray and 2 hours later you wake up!!!

5. Have a Notebook to Hand. This is useful for two main reasons. 1. As a help to removing distractions. If you start to pray and then it pops into your mind that you must remember to take the meat out for tomorrow, instead of focusing on that so you don’t forget, make a note in the notebook and refocus back on God. 2. If God shares something with you or a verse comes to mind, jot it down. Over the weeks you may find a pattern and looking back you’ll be encouraged by what God has been saying.

6. Have a Point of Focus. It can be quite hard to turn off from all you’ve been doing and focus on God. It may be useful to have something to focus on. Some people use a verse or two from scripture to centre themselves. However, some find it useful to focus on a candle, a cross or an inspiring photograph.

So, what now?

If I want to go and see the Queen I have to get a lift to the station, a train into London, a tube across London and then walk all the way up to Buck House. That’s before the nice guard at the gate tells me I haven’t got an appointment and therefore not a hope of meeting with the Queen. It’s not easy meeting or talking with people in high places, but with God it’s totally different. He is there just waiting for us to communicate with Him. It’s part of why He made us and we have access to Him 24/7.
So where do we start? It’s easy, it really is and yet we so often forget. If we want to visit the queen we need an invitation and a lengthy journey but God has made it some much more easy to meet with Him. How do we get to talk to God, how do we enter His presence? Quite simply, He says, we enter into the presence of God with thanksgiving. It’s not rocket science, we don’t need to wait for an invitation or go on a long journey. We enter God’s presence but being in an attitude of thanksgiving and praising him. So, having found our quiet place, the right time, position etc. and removed all distractions we start with thanking God. We have so much to thank God for even on our worst days.
So now we have entered the presence of God what happens next?
Now, this is a good question. Ask ten church leaders how to pray and you’ll get 12 different answers. However, in it’s most basic form now is when you have a conversation with God. No two conversations will be the same—sometimes you will approach him with boldness wanting Him to act—sometimes you’ll be very humble asking for forgiveness and sometimes you’ll just want to sit and listen to what He has to say. Most times it will be a mix of many different things.

How do I know what to pray?

Here are a few pointers to ask yourself when praying.
● Will the thing that I am praying fit in with a just and righteous life style, or is it superfluous and just born out of my fleshly desires?
● Am I being submissive to God's will, and will I gladly accept whatever God is willing to give me, if anything.
● If my prayer is answered will the result honour God?
● Will it harm or hurt someone else.
● Will what you pray for delight God?
● Does my request contradict or conflict with the Word of God.
● Will it further my spiritual growth. Will what I pray for bring me closer to God?

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