
I’ve just returned from a wonderful day out exploring one of Scotland’s isolated valleys. The sun eventually shone, the path was easy and the peace settled upon us immediately. We encountered deer, mountain goats, hares, oyster catchers and numerous other members of the bird family. It really was idyllic. As we walked along several friends came to mind that I would like to introduce to this valley. I wanted to show them the things we were seeing, I wanted them to experience the peace and tranquillity that we felt. I wanted to talk through things with them, to share the excitement of the moment with them and to enjoy the time together. I love sharing experiences with other people, and this is what this blog is all about. When I discover something new in the Christian realm, a new idea or way of looking at something I want to share it with others.

The initial goal of today was to hopefully see some Golden Eagles. We failed. We didn’t see a single eagle, but we discovered so much instead. I hope you will find the same here. I don’t know what has brought you here, what you are looking for within this blog? You may well find it here, but I hope you will discover much more besides.

I’d like to invite you to journey onwards with me, to draw nearer to God and to enjoy the view along the way.

Please do get involved and post comments. I'm also happy to try and answer any appropriate questions you may have.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Good and Evil

What if the problem with our world is not that there is too much evil in the world but not enough goodness. What if the main problems are not violence, drugs, crime. hatred, lust, injustice etc. etc. What if the main problem is that there is not enough good being done. What if the problem is not enough Godly people are doing Godly and good things.

I believe that Peace from God is not the removal of things that take away our peace but a counteractive force that means that whatever our circumstances we can be at peace. I think of it as being like a diving bell as long as the pressure inside the bell is greater than the pressure acting on it by the ocean everything is fine. As long as God's peace inside is greater than your outside circumstances everything is fine. Remove or lower the inside pressure and that is where the trouble starts. The same is true of goodness and evil. If the pressure for goodness outweighs the pressure of evil things are ok. However, if we drop the amount of godness in the world then the problems start. In our world the levels of goodness have always been at a lower level than the levels of evil and hence the state of our world.

In many ways there is little we can do about the evil things that occur in our world. We can pray, campaign, imprison and punish but the problem still continues. We can however do something, however little it might seem, about the level of goodness in our world. We can start with ourselves and with our churches. We can do good to our friends, neighbours and communities. We as individuals can up the level of goodness shown to others around us. You can of course substitute the word goodness for love. If we can model goodness and love it could be the start of something great. I don't know how you start a revolution but I guess it's got to start somewhere and that somewhere could be with you. Let's start the Goodness Revolution together - are you in?

1 comment:

  1. I'm in brother. I truly believe that we can be reflectors of God's love, mercy, and forgiveness. I pray as God shines His wonderful light on me, that it will reflect on someone else.
